What is Covid-19
Covid-19 is a respiratory illness caused by a caronavirus called SARS-COV2.
Common Symptoms of coronavirus
The most common symptoms of coronavirus are:
Fever/high temperature
New continuous cough
Other less common symptoms of coronavirus are:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Persistent runny nose
Holy Spirit Celtic have in line with Government & FA Guidance compelted a Risk Assessment and controls to be adhered to. Onsite at The Becket, we have installed signs containing the NHS QR code for all visitors to use on arrival via the NHS Covid 19 App.
COVID-19 Assessment
In accordance with government advice, we aim to prevent the spread of coronavirus by reducing the risk from direct transmission (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (via touching contaminated surfaces). To achieve this aim we will:
Devise a training schedule that avoids all physical contact between any of the participants
Ensure players and coaches maintain social distancing before and after the session and in any breaks in play
Ensure that hand hygiene rules are promoted
Ensure that good respiratory hygiene by promoting; the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach
Clean identified frequently touched surfaces effectively
The following risk assessment must be read in conjunction with the FA ‘Re-starting Outdoor Competitive Grassroots Football ’ released on 18th July 2020
In line with the FA guidelines we strongly recommend a phased return to competitive football activity as follows:
Until 31st July - When ready, competitive training can begin, with the overall group size (inclusive of coaches) being limited to 30 people
From August – Competitive matches to begin, for example pre-season fixtures, festivals and small sided football competitions
From September – Grassroots leagues can commence
Everyone should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual Covid-19 infection you must not participate or attend. You should stay at home and follow the latest Government Guidance.
Risk/Hazard: Choice of venue
Action to be taken: Only outdoor venues to be used for training activity or matches and this should take place in groups of no more than 30 (including coaches)
Person(s) responsible: Manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Spread of virus from equipment used for training purposes or match fixtures
Action to be taken:
All equipment to be cleaned prior to and after each training session
Goal posts and corner poles should be wiped down before matches, after matches and at half time
When the ball goes out of play, it should not be retrieved by non-participants and should be retrieved using the feet rather than the hands where possible
Person(s) responsible: Manager, coaches and players
Risk/Hazard: Spread of virus through physical contact
Action to be taken:
Competitive match play is permitted, with social distancing to be maintained before and after the session and in any breaks in play
Any activity should be in groups of no more than 30 (including coaches)
No high fives, celebratory handshakes, knuckle raps or group congratulations
Person(s) responsible: Players, Manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Administration of first aid
Action to be taken:
First aider to wear a mask, sanitise hands or wear gloves prior to administration of first aid
Person(s) responsible: First aider
Risk/Hazard: Non compliance with club protocols
Action to be taken:
Advice and warning on first occasion. Exclusion from training sessions/matches for repeated non-compliance. Parent/carer to be contacted
Person(s) responsible: Manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Spread of virus through hand surfaces
Action to be taken:
Advise all participants to carry out thorough hand washing before setting off for training/matches and on arrival home
All participants to use hand sanitiser on arrival at the venue and prior to departure
Person(s) responsible: Players, Manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Spread of virus from personal belongings
Action to be taken:
Each player and coach to have a designated area to leave personal belongings, at a distance of 2 metres apart from each other
Active participants should arrive changed and ready to take part
No sharing of water bottles
No sharing of clothing or waterproof coverings
After the activity, personal equipment should be wiped down with a disinfectant
After the activity, players should take their kit home and wash it themselves.
If bibs are used these should be allocated to players and retained for an indefinite period. Laundering is the responsibility of the players.
Person(s) responsible: Players, Manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Spread of virus through community transmission
Action to be taken:
Follow Government guidance for travel, including minimising use of public transport
Spectator groups should be limited to 6 people per group and spread out, in line with wider Government guidance.
Spectators should not retrieve the ball when it goes out of play
Person(s) responsible: Parents/carers, players, manager and coaches
Risk/Hazard: Player or coaching staff displays suspected symptoms of coronavirus after training session
Action to be taken:
Player/family member should report this to the NHS test and trace system and to the team manager/club Covid-19 officer
Register of all attendees at training session/matches taken to help manage ‘test and trace system’
All persons attending to be contacted and should seek further medical advice
Person(s) responsible: Players, Manager and coaches